Teachers trained by Ruth

in the lineage of T Krishnamacharya

Elise Curnow

Yoga with Elise

My name is Elise Curnow and I am an experienced  teacher and forever student in the Krishnamacharyan tradition of yoga.

Ruth Diggins is my teacher, my trainer and my mentor.

I teach yoga here in Waikanae, where I live, and also in Otaki.

The classes I teach are both general, which is suitable for all levels and restorative, for those who need a little extra support and rest. I also teach on a one to one basis.

Contact me
Ph: 04 9023105 / 021 1653898
Email: eliseyoganz@gmail.com

Karen Gray

Kia Ora, I’ve been practising yoga in the Krishnamacharya (Viniyoga) tradition since 2006 under the guidance of my teacher Ruth Diggins.

Out of my experience as a student came the desire to share these profound teachings with others. So I became a Yoga Teacher in 2013 and a Yoga Therapist and Vedic Chant Teacher in 2024.

I teach group classes and also give one-to-one consultations to create a personalised yoga practice tailored for the individual.

Visit viniyogakarengray.nz for more information.

Contact me
Ph: 04 9024109 / 027 4696892

Sandra Gerber

Ruth Diggins is my teacher and mentor.
I completed my training to become a Yoga Teacher in the lineage of Krishnamacharya in 2014 in N.Z.
I then went on to study Vedic Chanting also in the tradition in India from 2015-2017.
I am currently studying Yoga Therapy in India.

My classes:

I now teach Yoga on Tuesday mornings in Raumati South at the Memorial Hall on Tennis Court Rd.

I also offer a monthly Vedic Chanting class on Saturday afternoons in Paraparaumu Beach.

Contact me
Ph: 027 5700031
Email: sandragerberkm@hotmail.com

Kate Bendall

I am an independent Yoga teacher based in Dunedin. I have been practicing Yoga for for over 30 years now and  teaching for around 15 years.

Teaching and practicing Yoga has always been my passion and I imagine that to always be so.

My classes now are all true to what I have learnt in my training with Ruth.The depth; the potency and the accessibility of Yoga in this lineage is what I had been waiting for for 27 years.

I am so excited and grateful to teach with the guidance and support of such an authentic and wise tradition behind me.

Contact me
Ph: 022 6908077

Ines Piroth

I am a senior teacher associated with the Krishnamacharya Tradition through many different channels over more then two decades.

I teach in a tourist paradise known as the Bay of Islands. My regular classes are in Opua and Russell. All sessions are open to pop – in students of every level or background as well as beginners.

Contact me
Ph: 021 2629857
Details on my website

Susan Ansell

I teach day and evening classes in Kapiti (mainly in Waikanae Beach and Reikorangi). I also teach individual and pregnancy yoga classes. I graduated as a KHYF Yoga teacher in 2014. Yoga has supported me throughout my life from teenagehood through to motherhood and beyond! I love providing a space for people to connect to themselves and a space for people to connect as a group and learn together. Whatever the reason that has brought you to yoga – I would be happy to support you in your yoga journey.

Contact me
Ph: 027 2740800
Email: oceansuz@gmail.com

Rita O’Brien

Everyone deals with their own set of challenges.
Yoga allows us to explore and create a positive relationship with our bodies, breath, minds and emotions.I offer a twice weekly yoga practice in Paraparaumu.

Classes are based on a classical form of yoga, which includes āsana [postures], prāṇāyāma [breathing techniques], and chanting. Classes suitable for all levels – beginners very welcome. See www.khyf.net for additional details on lineage.

Contact me
Ph: 022 490 4673
Email: ritaobrien635@gmail.com